PESA Polyepoxysuccinic acid sodium salt

Polyepoxysuccinic acid sodium salt (PESA)

CASNo. : 109578-44-1 Molecular Weight: 600-1500
Molecular Formula: OH(C4H2O5 Na2)nH Brand Name: Maxinol 600



Product Features:

Maxinol 600 is a green biodegradable non-phosphorous & non-nitrogen corrosion and scale inhibitor. It has good scale inhibition and dispersion for CaCO3, CaSO4, CaF and Silica scales, with effects better than that of ordinary organophosphates. It can be widely used in circulating cooling water systems in high alkaline, high hardness and high pH condition. It can be operated under high concentration index. It has good synergism with chlorine and other water treatment chemicals.

Maxinol 600 can be used in circulating cooling water system of steel, petrochemical, power plant, medicine, gas scrubbing and pulp and papermaking systems etc. It can be used in boiler water, desalination plant, and membrane separation in conditions such as high alkalinity, high hardness, high pH and high concentration index. Maxinol 600 can also be used in detergents and dish washing application.


Parameter Product details
Appearance Colorless to yellow transperant liquid
pH (as is) 12-13
Specific Gravity @ 25oC 1.30-1.35
Active Content 38-41%

Alternate name/synonyms:

Polyepoxysuccinic acid
Polyepoxysuccinic Acid (PESA)
Epoxysuccinic acid homopolymer
Polyoxirane-2,3-Dicarboxylic Acid
2,3-Oxiranedicarboxylic acid homopolymer
2,3-Oxiranedicarboxylic acid homopolymer

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